Workplace Injuries
If you have suffered from a workplace injury it can feel like your world is falling in on itself. If this has happened to you or you are in need of legal aid let the expert lawyers at Zest help start your workplace injury claim and secure you the finances that you need to regain your autonomy.
Workplace injuries can occur whilst traveling to and from work, whilst on breaks at work, or more commonly during work. A workplace injury in the eyes of the law is ‘a personal injury arising out of, or in the course of, employment if the employment is a significant contributing factor to the injury.’ If you have injured yourself because of work in any capacity you may be eligible for workers compensation and ultimately lump sum compensation from WorkCover Queensland.
Additionally you also might be entitled to recover common law damages for your injuries instead of accepting WorkCover’s lump sum offer.
It is critical that you see us before accepting a lump sum offer from WorkCover Queensland as in nearly all cases common law damages will far exceed WorkCover’s lump sum.
In assessing your claim for damages we will consider:
Damages for your pain and suffering;
loss of past income and superannuation; plus interest;
loss of future income and superannuation taking into account any loss of employability;
any out of pockets or medical expenses not paid for by WorkCover;
the cost of any future surgery, treatments or medication.